ReZ O. Lution: the rebel inside

who am i anyways?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day of Suck

What should have been a pretty good day ended up sucking royally. A year ago yesterday was the happiest day in my life and we had modest plans to celebrate. But the day didn't start out too great and only got worse as the hours went by; how good can the day be when the spouse is sick and achy all over and doesn't even have the energy to eat dinner? And when your day starts and you're all over the place because you didn't get a chance to go thru your regular morning routine when you got into the office, it takes a while to recover. And that recovery never really happened. So I went thru the day feeling as if I was in a fog and confused and couldn't really concentrate at work despite the fact that we had a major deliverable briefing in the morning with the client. We did end up going to dinner, but then we got home and that was that. AJ collapsed in bed after catching up on some stuff and I stayed awake for no real reason, except waiting around hoping that some important people in my life would remember. But that made me feel even worse so I climbed into bed around 11pm; not even Stewart or Colbert could cheer me up.

So the day finally ended and a new year has begun. Here's to another great year of love and excitement together with AJ and hopefully a more relaxed and special Year 2 milestone.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

The polls weren't wrong. DUH.

Let’s put this to bed right now: the polls were not wrong. The reporting of the polls were wrong. Here are some numbers from polls taken between January 4-7th (thank you to Keith Olbermann for pointing this out):

Fox News: 32% for Obama
NY Times: 35% for Obama
Rasmussen: 37% for Obama
WNBC/Marist: 36% for Obama

Those numbers basically hit the nail on the head for Obama’s results, right?

But what about Hillary’s numbers? Well, the NY Times poll also reported 9% of Democrats “undecided” and 28% “not definite”. Fox News reported 12% “don’t know.” And, here’s the kicker: WNBC/Marist reported that 23% of Obama supporters and a whopping 30% of Edwards supporters were “not firmly committed.”

“Not definite” and “undecideds” and “not firmly committed” seems to have helped Hillary, without a doubt.

Does this not prove that the polls weren’t as wrong as everyone is saying? Seems like the media is just infatuated with the top line numbers that can cause a big splash and don’t bother turning the page to see what else the polls are showing. I have my own issues with polling and all the hype and attention the polls get before an election. But this was not a polling error.

I think it’s time to put this to bed and move on to the next hot thing to talk about. As long as it has nothing to do with crying.

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