Thursday, January 10, 2008

The polls weren't wrong. DUH.

Let’s put this to bed right now: the polls were not wrong. The reporting of the polls were wrong. Here are some numbers from polls taken between January 4-7th (thank you to Keith Olbermann for pointing this out):

Fox News: 32% for Obama
NY Times: 35% for Obama
Rasmussen: 37% for Obama
WNBC/Marist: 36% for Obama

Those numbers basically hit the nail on the head for Obama’s results, right?

But what about Hillary’s numbers? Well, the NY Times poll also reported 9% of Democrats “undecided” and 28% “not definite”. Fox News reported 12% “don’t know.” And, here’s the kicker: WNBC/Marist reported that 23% of Obama supporters and a whopping 30% of Edwards supporters were “not firmly committed.”

“Not definite” and “undecideds” and “not firmly committed” seems to have helped Hillary, without a doubt.

Does this not prove that the polls weren’t as wrong as everyone is saying? Seems like the media is just infatuated with the top line numbers that can cause a big splash and don’t bother turning the page to see what else the polls are showing. I have my own issues with polling and all the hype and attention the polls get before an election. But this was not a polling error.

I think it’s time to put this to bed and move on to the next hot thing to talk about. As long as it has nothing to do with crying.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame the Frog for this. If he wasn't so busy hanging with Lou Dobbs, this never would have happened. Stinkin Frog (sorry Frog).

5:23 PM  

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