ReZ O. Lution: the rebel inside

who am i anyways?

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Manny got busted for using a drug that women produce normally once becoming pregnant.

As has been reported, it is also used by men to restart their body's normal production of testosterone after a steroid cycle.

One thing that is not being reported, though, is that at times men get hCG injections for fertility treatments.

So, Manny could legitimately have fertility issues. But, think about it: if you know you have fertility issues, you've already gone thru sessions with doctors to learn about the choices you have. And you become an expert in all of the options, especially including the drug(s) that your doctor is recommending you take for it.

So if Manny really did take hCG to help him with fertility, then he would have known about hCG and what it does AND that it is considered a banned substance by MLB. If he really wanted to use it, he would have contacted MLB to get approval or to let them know about it. And he would have looked into other options.

Oh, and if you know about Manny, you know that he already has 3 children.

Judge for yourself...


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