Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How sweet it is

The New York Mets are the National League Eastern Division Champions.

The Baseball Gods had their way with me and every other Mets fan this past weekend-- Philly winning all three games, Mets getting swept by the lowly Pirates-- but we're the better for it. The Mets got to clinch at home, in front of 47,000+ of the best fans in the world. That's the way it ought to be.

But I heed the warnings and I won't be writing about the Mets anymore, until there is actually something else to celebrate. We've waited a long time for this and I'll be damned if it's my writings that screw around with our boys' karma.

Lets go Mets!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on! You yourself said that there were no curses or jinks.

Seriously, congratulations to your team. I'm so happy to see that it is not the Braves up on top for once. Here's hoping that if the World Series must be played in New York, that it is only played at Shea.

1:22 PM  

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