Sunday, August 27, 2006


Pbth. That's how I feel right now. Just pbth.

On a day when all I want to do is sit and watch the Mets game, it's raining in New York and there's no end in sight. So much for Mets baseball brightening up my lousy day.

I've got a ton to do: restock my pantry and fridge, clean up the mess that has been my apartment for the last few months, finish the adult education brochure. Andrew's been away since last Monday (and I'm missing him like crazy), so it's given me a lot of time to catch up on my life that's been running away from me. But work's been kicking my butt and I have no desire to do anything. I'm tired and I'm in the mood to complain.

Next week I'll be in New Rochelle for a bat mitzvah of close family friend's of Andrew's. Then three weeks from today, we'll be in New Rochelle again for an open house/engagement party Andrew's mom is throwing for us at the synagogue. Two events I'd really like to wear something nice to, but I've got nothing. And I'm not at all exaggerating.

I've never been a fancy dresser, which suits me just fine. I'm a pretty casual person. Which makes things difficult when I need clothes for events that are not casual but also not strictly formal. I just don't have anything suitable that's in between. What makes things even more difficult is my neurotic self-conscious image I have of my legs. I hate them. I really do. And if I can help it at all, I won't go in public with them showing. Which means no short skirts. Not even mid-calf. Anything that isn't ankle length is unacceptable.

You may think I'm nuts, and I'll probably even agree with you, but that's just how I feel. I don't wear the long skirts for religious reasons, as some may think. It's purely an image thing. Which is why life became so much easier when I decided to start wearing pants.

So I went shopping this morning, though not really optimistic that I would find anything. And of course I came back home empty-handed (well, except for a few pairs of pants for work, but that doesn't count right now). The problem is that no one makes long skirts anymore. I tried on one today, just one. And that one was priced at a cool $415. $415?? WTF??? Who in their right mind will spend that much money on a regular black skirt? Not me.

What am I do to? Every few months, I scour the internet for long skirts and sometimes am willing to pay even $100 for a skirt, since it's so hard to find them. But most of the time I come up with nothing. It may be worth a quick trip to Israel if someone could promise that I would return home with a suitcase full of long skirts that would last me 5 years.

That's why I hate shopping. It's just simply depressing and it evokes yet again those yucky feelings of how much I hate my legs that I try so hard to bury. Most of the time I'm successful. But it's days like these when all I want to do is sit, feel sorry for myself, and watch the Mets game. And just my luck, it is still raining in New York.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stinkin frog. stinkin skirts. stinkin rain. stinkin mets. stinkin fish. stinkin everything.

8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've found casual long skirts at H&M (the one on Wisconsin), but nicer ones are hard to come by. If you're just looking for a black skirt, Hechts carries a long lines suit skirt (at least at their downtown location), but it has a slit. (By the way, MSA's spamming of your blog may be confusing your readers.)

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoops, I meant the H&M on M Street. Also, I meant "Hechts carries a line of long black suit skirts."

11:07 AM  

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