Thursday, September 14, 2006

There's a first time for everything

So for the first time in my life, I'll be rooting for the Mets to lose one game. Just one. In particular, tomorrow's game against the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Why, you ask?

Well, it goes like this: if the Mets win one more game or the Phillies lose one more game, the Mets will be crowned champions of the National League Eastern Division. For those of you who know your baseball, you should know that it's been 18 years since that last happened. Add 2 years to that, and you get 20 years since the Mets won a World Series. So, if they win a game tomorrow (or if the Phillies lose), they will be celebrating like they haven't celebrated in at least 18 years. And their amazing fans will be celebrating along with them.

But what about me? Well, if the Mets win tomorrow (or if the Phillies lose), I will most likely be sitting in Andrew's apartment, helping to entertain 7 other people for Shabbat dinner. And unfortunately, the radio nor the TV will be on. Which means, I won't know until Saturday morning what happened. I won't be able to celebrate like I've never celebrated before (not even the 2000 Subway Series measures up to this). Who knows what crazy wildness would overtake me if I were lucky enough to witness the Mets clinch the NL East crown, really the first time in my life (you think I actually remember 1986 or 1988 that well?). All the pent up energy wasted, if they happen to clinch tomorrow night. Woe is me!

And not just me. Just think about all the other Orthodox Jewish Mets fans out there, who have suffered through Yankee obnoxiousness for the last 10 years, and who have waited so so long for meaningful games in September, and who have counted down, along with me, to this very moment! And to miss that chance to witness the culmination of excitement after 145+ regular season baseball games and help usher the Mets to a postseason as the prohibitive NL favorites! Woe is us!

I should know better and not mess around with the Baseball Gods and the amazing carma that they have bestowed upon my team this year. But am I really asking for too much? I just want to be a part of it, and shed that one tear of happiness. Ectatic joy that one can only feel when their team, the team they've been rooting for since they can remember, comes out on top. And yes, I know that there is still all of October for the Mets to prove themselves, and there's a long way to go, but c'mon. You can't deny this feeling. And you can't deny that we deserve it.

Let's go Mets.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 out of 18 is really nothing to brag about.

3:16 AM  
Blogger elanit said...

Who's bragging, Yankee fan? I'm not bragging. I'm excited. There's a difference. And I'm allowed to be excited. Quit the trash talk for 5 minutes and let a fan enjoy herself.

6:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know this is all the stinkin frog's fault. all of it.
Long live Yoel!

8:10 AM  
Blogger David said...

Now, I would think that you would say that the Mets themselves would davka clinch on Shabbat: because only on a day particularly hallowed by God Himself would such an event occur - The Talmud in Beitza 16a said "it was recorded in the later generations: the house of Shammai said 'it shall be for Shabbat.' The house of Hillel replied 'praise be God everyday."


Were you making a pun about the strength of the Mets' drive with "carma" or is that a typo? ;)

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too ahll be rooting for the Mets to lose...

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that the Mets still haven't managed to clinch the division. Are you sure this is going to happen? (I joke! They will get their win one of these days).

Hey, I said it back in April-ABA (anybody but Atlanta).

10:20 PM  

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