Thursday, December 13, 2007

Two Random Questions

Two random questions that have absolutely nothing to do with anything:

  1. Why do most people not look at the person they are speaking with? I've had meetings with pretty high-up people in management and clients, and most just look down or away when they talk to you. Weird. Whatever happened to making a connection with your audience?
  2. Why does toast always come buttered?
That's all. :-)


Blogger David said...

Many people don't know how to make eye contact without staring. As a question, do you see a difference in behavior between men and women to whom you speak?

I know that for dogs, averting eyes is a show of submission, while staring is a show of dominance.

How else should toast come? If it's dry, it's just stale bread... ;)

10:29 AM  
Blogger by FightMetric said...

Both questions have the same answer: habit ... or lipids. Take your pick.

Seriously though: I haven't noticed. In my business, I routinely look people in the eye and receive the same. That is how you measure people.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up I had a buddy, we can call him Willy. Willy got tired of people not looking at him or responding to his "good Shabbos" wishes. So Willy would stare at them until they a. made eye contact and b. responded in kind. Just a thought. And as for toast and butter, you can always ask for jam instead. Stinkin Frog.

1:23 PM  

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