ReZ O. Lution: the rebel inside

who am i anyways?

Friday, October 20, 2006

My boys

I promised I wouldn't write about baseball until the season is over.

Well, my season is over.

And since no one really comes here to read my sports analysis, all I'll say now is that I still love my boys.

And that there's, oh, just another 120 days or so until Pitchers and Catchers.

Even though I have a wedding to look forward to before that, I'm counting down every last day until my P&Cs report.

Lets Go Mets.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Double Standards

The blatant double-standards we're seeing in this whole Foley saga makes my stomach turn.

Ask yourself this: if a Democrat were being accused of sexually abusing* a minor, and if the Democratic Speaker of the House would deny knowing anything about it until just now, and if the majority of Democrats would rally around said Speaker, and if liberal organizations would release statements defending him as well, what would be the rhetoric flying all over the place now? Does this sound familiar:

"It's obvious that the Democrats are more concerned about protecting the rights of a child abuser and predator then protecting the rights of our children and defending the principles on which this country stands. These left-leaning liberal groups don't care about morality; all they're interested in is keeping the Democrats in power and protecting criminals and terrorists. Are these the types of people you want leading our country??"

Make no mistake- the Republican party would call for a million investigations-- one into the accused Democrat's actions, and 999,999 into the (in)actions and alleged cover-up of the Democratic party. They would hold hearing after hearing in prime time to "get to the bottom of this" and try their damndest to villify the Democratic party for all the country to see.

Oh, and let's not forget the excuses: if the accused Democrat "went into rehab" the day after resigning and then admitted that: a) he's gay, and b) he was sexually abused by a priest when he was young, the Republicans would remind the American people: "the Democrats are trying to make excuses for this disgusting crime, but we, the [self-proclaimed] Party of Personal Responsibility will immediately call for investigations and hold those responsible for hiding these facts accoutable for their (in)actions. No one will be left untouched (no pun intended, really.) Oh, and by the way: it's obvious that only gay people are capable of doing such things. Just another reason to hate all things gay."

I'm particularly struck by the conspiracy theories that are being bandied about. The Republicans are claiming that the Democrats leaked the text of Foley's conversations as part of a well-timed plan for winning the midterm elections.

Um, does this remind you of anything or anyone in particular? How about a little unknown man named Karl Rove? If this theory is in fact true (and I wouldn't speculate one way or the other; besides, there are other conspiracy theories out there other than this one, so why waste the time?), looks like the Dems just pulled the old quarterback sneak and stole a page out of Rove's own dirty political tricks handbook. How about that for a taste of your own medicine? Pill too tough to swallow? Cry me a river, please.

* Yes, my definition of "sexual abuse" is pretty liberal here-- ok, so Foley didn't engage in any physical acts, but child predators are prosecuted even on just the words they use in chat rooms, emails, etc., to lure minors. "Sexual abuse" is abuse, whether it's physical or verbal. Please don't try to debate the semantics with me; the issue hits too close to home to even engage in such a discussion.

3 words

I've got a lot to write. A lot's on my mind especially after the High Holidays. Been meaning to write for a while, just haven't had the time. I hope to write tonight when I get home to NY.

But until then, I just have three words to share.


(and may no one else tear a muscle in his calf or physically injure himself in any way, shape, or form. God bless.)

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