Wednesday, August 24, 2005

3 Friends

One of the first things I learned after moving to Washington is that this town is a pretty transitional place. People come and go very very quickly. From the students to the lobbiests, Hill staff, and everyone else. And I guess it makes sense. Mix that with expensive housing, little space, and the fact that DC is not NY, and you get a very transitional Jewish community as well.

The last two years have been pretty stable for me (forgetting for a moment that my professional life has been pretty much in flux since moving here, but that's a rant for another day)- I've grown to love the community, have absolutely wonderful friends, and people like me (hey, that's important!). Though I miss my family very much (understatement), suffice it to say, I'm happy here.

So I guess I was due for a little bit of a shake up.

First, Maria goes ahead and graduates on me. Two years in graduate school, and she ups and leaves. The nerve! Maria and I first met seven years ago in college. We had a fun for four years in Queens. Despite our different heritage, culture, and religious affiliation, Maria and I found out very quickly how much we have common. She's part of a select group of people who challenge me on all levels and who knows me inside and out. I left to Syracuse in 2002, but 12 months, 180 some-odd inches of snow, and 1 MPA later, I moved to DC and there is Maria, joining me in the nation's capital for two years. But then she had to graduate and get a job in NY. PBTH.

Then, Marti decides to move across the country. Despite the difficulties we faced when we first met in Syracuse, Marti quickly became a voice of reason and a dear companion through the last two chapters of my life. Those who know me well know the positive impact she has had on my way of life. Nuf said. Done. And done.

So already two huge supporting actors in this reality show called My Life leave me. What next?

Jesse decides to go to law school.

Looking back, I can say with certainty that I got real lucky hooking up with the crowd I hang with now. There's nothing quite like them. And Jesse had a lot to do with the dynamic of our group. It could very well be that my fondness for Jesse is tied to our crazy obsession with the Mets. And for a while, I thought that that was the only thing we could all talk about. But then we bonded over different things, and our friendship grew. And I kinda got used to our routine of watching Mets games at the 51st State, having Shabbat meals together, playing games, baseball road trips, car rides to the 'burbs, and just random conversations.

So after a month of goodbye parties, three hours of packing the van and ice cream last night, Mr. Grauman left from Washington. Needless to say, I'll miss him.

Hey, at least I still have Charlie.


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