Monday, January 01, 2007

Going Dry

I decided I don't like alcohol. It's not that I can't hold my liquor. I've never gotten drunk before, but not for lack of full cups in hand. Even after 3-4 drinks, I don't get drunk. Perhaps I'm just not drinking enough. But that's besides the point.

The point is that my body just doesn't like it. I don't really enjoy it. I go to a bar and have trouble figuring out what to order since nothing really does it for me. I'm not a beer drinker. I've stayed away from most Vodka-mixed drinks a long time ago. And now I add Rum to that list.

I had one drink tonight-- just one!-- of the mixed juice-rum-seltzer variety. And it's currently still doing backflips and handstands in my stomach. Not good. I've been feeling kinda lousy the last 90 minutes or so and I'm not convinced it's going away anytime soon. Blech.

I've had drinks before without this negative reaction, but why risk it? I do like wine every once in a while. The only thing that too much red wine does to me is put me to sleep, so that's safe. And I do enjoy a good gin and tonic (Bombay Safire of course!) when it's nice out. But I think I'll be staying away from the mixed drink for now. Hell, I don't really think I'll miss it much, to tell the truth.

Now if only this stomach discomfort would just go away... :-/


Blogger David said...

eat a banana and drink an extra glass of water or two. Don't have any citrus or dairy until your stomach has felt better for a few hours.

The punch at that party is really, really strong.

eschewing mixed drinks is certainly cheaper :)

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with not drinking. Not that I am a total teetotler, but I have found myself gravitating away from those who are drunk or on the tipsy side. I'm more than fine with my diet soda, thank you very much. It doesn't leave me feeling bad the next day (unless the caffeine has affected my sleeping or dehydrated me) and is just as yummy.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Sober since first night of Simchat Torah, whatever day that is ;). I'll join you in not drinking! Cheers!

10:19 PM  

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