Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's official

I'm officially Elanit Zina Rothschild Jakabovics.

You can call me Elanit Jakabovics for short.

It only took me approximately 9 months 9 days 4 hours.

Yes, some of you are thinking it, so I'll just say it: I could have had a baby in the time it took me to change my name. Luckily for everyone, I just changed my name. :) Everything in it's own time, folks.

Do I feel different? A little, I guess. Identity issues, aside, it just takes getting used to. For the last 9 months, I've continued to introduce myself as Elanit Rothschild, both socially and professionally. Not for any reason except that's what flows off my tongue without even thinking about it. On Friday night, knowing I would have to introduce myself to the scholar-in-residence at synagogue, I collected myself and reminded my brain that I was Elanit Jakabovics and I should say that. And I did.

I always feel bad afterwards, especially when my husband is standing right near me, though he says it doesn't bother him. While I do believe him, it still is a bit awkward. He understands the process and difficulties involved, I'm sure. I just need to try harder.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about the 9 months to make the legal change. I'm currently at 79 months having not made the official change. Since I hyphenate, it is easy for me to be identified each way.

9:19 PM  
Blogger David said...

Believe me, I understand the difficulty of changing surnames.

Where it really got me was several years later, when I got asked to initial forms - I instinctively started writing DLW (old) instead of DLB (new) - and that was after years of using the new name!

I'm glad to know what to put on an envelope ;) (also glad that you're keeping the Z, which I think is the coolest middle initial)

4:03 AM  

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